Organize It Mom
Showing You How to Create the
Life You've Always Wanted

In this Issue

  • Goal for the Month - what's your new goal?
  • What's New at - new info!
  • Coming next month at Life Organize It
  • Welcome to the Organize-It-Mom E-zine - This month's hot topic [anti-aging]

Goal for the Month - Stop Doing "Too Much"

Can you believe it's March already? We're already 1/4 of the way through 2009.

Why does it seem the older we get the faster time goes? My father-in-law explained it this way - say you're 10-years-old, one year is 1/10 of your life. But, when you're 60-years-old, a year is 1/60 of your life. Make sense?

In other words, a year to an older person is a much smaller portion of their life (time goes faster), while it's a larger portion of a younger person's life (time goes slower).

Plus, I think we have too much to do nowadays. I remember when I was little, during the summer, we would play outside all day and night! And, at night, the grown folks would sit outside in chairs and talk and watch us play.

Can you imagine taking time at night to sit and talk, let alone for more than 3 hours! Those were the good old days.

Anyways, back to the subject, last month I talked about making change in our lives and to do so by taking small manageable steps and to remember the hardest part of change is getting started.

We also talked about setting goals, so I think it's important to keep these at the forefront and change the first part of this monthly e-zine to goal setting where we'll work on setting a goal for ourselves each month. So, what's your goal for your life going to be this month?

Think about what you want/need to change in your life and set a goal for yourself. You've all heard it before "it takes 30 days to form a habit". So, for the next 30 days let's work together on our goals.

Okay, my goal is a two-part goal. I'm going to stop doing "too much". I want to let my kids experience "the good old days" like I did with more quality family time. The second part of my goal... to go to bed by 9:30 each night for the next thirty days. What's your goal going to be?

What's New at

Oh my, a lot is new here! In between the kids passing around a couple of colds and bronchitis for me, I've managed to add a lot of pages this month.

If there's something you'd like to see on Life Organize It, please feel free to let me know. Just reply to this e-zine.

Coming next month at Life Organize It...

  • Budget meals that are healthy. Next month you'll find quick and easy recipes for healthy budget meals for your family.
  • Organized weight loss continued. I'll post tips for a more conventional diet plan that works as a nice way to rotate off the Warrior Diet and also a great transition diet once you've met your weight loss goals through the Warrior Diet.
  • Get yourself organized for Easter. Everything you've always wanted to know about Easter and more. Plus a fun Easter menu with recipes, Easter crafts for the kids, and Easter basket ideas for the busy mom.
  • Purse organization - Simple and fast ideas for purse organization. If you love to change purses like I do, but hate moving things from purse to purse, then you're going to love this page! You'll find one quick and simple solution to not only organize your purse, but allow you to change out purses fast with the contents too! Just think, no more running around looking for your favorite red lipstick you thought you last saw in your black purse.
  • Personal organizers - electronic and paper organizers. Use these tips to find out which will work best for you.

Welcome to the Organize-It-Mom E-zine

Last month I talked about some of the stuff I've been experiencing as I head towards the big 40 and since the birth of my last baby eight months ago. (Stuff our mother's never told us about).

My body wasn't behaving weight-wise, energy-wise, and mood-wise. Well after a quick trip to the doctor, I found out my hormones are out of sync, so we're working on getting that straightened out.

My doctor also recommended I read Breakthrough by Suzanne Somers so I understand what's going on with my body. And, I must say, it's an excellent book so far.

Suzanne provides interviews with several anti-aging doctors, while laying out her eight steps to living a long, healthy, and functional life and looking fabulous too!

We'll be covering more on anti-aging issues in the coming months since it's such an important issue to both women and men as it affects our whole lives. It's important to understand and learn how to deal with age and the changes it brings on. Anti-aging medicine teaches us how to take care of ourselves properly, so we can live our best lives.

So, we opened with creating a goal for ourselves for the month, and we'll close on that thought too. When creating your goal, make it simple. Think about something you'd like to change . For instance, do you not want to eat at home more often? Then set a simple goal that you are going to make dinner five nights each week by meal prepping ahead of time. (You can survive on leftovers the other two nights if you plan well).

Oh and by the way, we'll be covering meal prepping which is an excellent time and money saver within the next few months so stay tuned...

Have a wonderful month!

Organize It Mom e-zine brings you simple to use techniques that have a big impact on getting your life organized fast!

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Have any comments, ideas you'd like to share, or feedback? Please, I'd love to hear from you! Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what's on your mind!

I'll see you soon!