Organize It Mom
Showing You How to Create the
Life You've Always Wanted

Start Re-creating Your Life by Changing It One Step at a Time

So, how are those goals for the New Year holding up? If they're not holding up, then don't worry, this isn't a race. Take a step back and think about where you want to be next year.

Write out what you would like to do or have different in your life on a piece of paper. Then break it down into small manageable steps. For instance, my daughter started a new school this year and is having a tough time making new friends. We made it a goal for her to make at least one social contact outside of school per day. So, she has to e-mail, text, or call a friend after school and "say hi".

That may not seem like much, but small steps over time add up and later on it will benefit her greatly in developing a social life outside the school setting.

So, do the same for yourself... set up small manageable steps to change and do it everyday and over time you'll see a big benefit. Remember the hardest part of change is getting started. Once you're on a roll, there's really no stopping you.

In this Issue

What's New at Life Organize It... A lot!

  • - Get that home office organized fast with these easy to follow tips. Whether you have a home office or not, these simple organization tips will help get all of your paperwork organized.
  • - Complete Self Care Tips - Not only have I changed the name of this section to Supermom, I've put a lot of thought into it. At first I thought it would be a quick update with added tips to help you take care of yourself so you can be the best to everyone, but it has turned out to be a lot more that we'll talk about later. To start overhauling this section, I've added How to Manage Stress which offers quick tips to help you manage stress, Life in Balance talks about how to balance our mind, body, and soul so that we can be at our optimum, Healthy Eating Tips offers excellent tips for dining out and not blowing your diet, and Healthy Diet Tips you can apply to your whole family so you all can eat well on the run.
  • - To get you ready for spring break and summer vacation... they're right around the corner, I've added Car Travel with Kids which offers tips to make that road trip much smoother with kids in the back, Flying with a Baby which offers tips to help the flight with your baby go smooth for both you, and finally I've added Flying with a Toddler. Yes, it can be done, you can go on a flight with a toddler and these tips will make it easier for you, your toddler, and all the other passengers on the plane!

Coming this month at Life Organize It...

  • Hair care, hair trends, and tips to get you out of the house beautifully fast in the morning!
  • Budget Disneyland vacations and budget vacations... spring is almost here and summer is just around the corner. Check out the great info to save money on your next family vacation.
  • Homeschool schedules and the organized mom. Great info to get you organized if you homeschool your kids.
  • Healthy eating on a budget, budget meals. Some great ways to save money and still feed your family healthy at the same time.
  • The Warrior Diet. Truly an amazing new way of eating. This is not like any conventional diet out there and it will change the way you think and feel. I've been on this for a little over a month now and have lost 5 lbs. of fat and gained 3 lbs. of muscle.

Welcome to the Organize-It-Mom e-zine. I'm going to be real honest with you, as I've mentioned above in "Self Care and Supermom" I've done a lot of thinking and self searching this month about women's health in general. Information I have been looking for has just sort of fallen my way. Maybe my prayers are being answered? I don't really know, but I've decided to change direction with the Self-care pages.

I don't like to be one who tells you I'm going to do something and not follow through as I said last month the whole section would be updated this month, but I think it's important to provide my readers with information that is truly of value and not just something they can pick up in the latest woman's magazine.

So, here goes... I'm a woman heading towards what society would label as "middle age", I turned 38 this year and to be honest with you, I just haven't felt well since the birth of my last child.

My pregnancy weight has always come off easily, my energy has always returned fast, but not this time. My body was being really stubborn. I had no energy, wasn't thinking with clarity, and my waist line was almost non-existent. My eating was pretty good as I ate five small meals a day, mainly protein, veggies, fruit, limited carbs after 2:00 p.m. and drank plenty of water. And, I exercised six times a week.

So, what was going on with my body? After a trip to the doctor, it turns out my hormones were out of sync. I then went to a nutritionist who explained to me that our environment is so toxic that traditional diets just don't work for most people anymore. What?!

We're exposed to a ton of chemicals daily from the water we drink out of plastic bottles to the cleaning products we use. In particular Xenoestrogens which are industrial chemicals that are structured similar to estrogen and enter our bodies through the food we eat and our environment. They overload our systems with estrogen like substances that causes hormonal imbalance which leads to weight gain and a whole host of diseases including cancer.

I was put on a diet called the Warrior Diet which I've been on now for a little over a month.

So, coming this month I'm going to provide a page all about the Warrior Diet on because this is something that is working for me. My stubborn belly fat is finally going away this time.

In the meantime, if you'd like to check it out yourself before I get the page up, then go to

So, last month when I said to create a new you in the New Year, I meant it! Have a wonderful month!

Organize It Mom e-zine brings you simple to use techniques that have a big impact on getting your life organized fast!

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Have any comments, ideas you'd like to share, or feedback? Please, I'd love to hear from you! Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what's on your mind!

I'll see you soon. Have a great start to the New Year!