Organize It Mom April 2010

  • New Goal for the Month - Clean up the Diet!
  • What's New at - Organize Your Life, Easy Entertaining, Organized Home, and Ask me a Question
  • This Month's Organizing Tip - How to Succeed on a Diet

Goal for the month... Get Your Diet in Gear!

Ughh! How many of you out there like me struggle with five, ten, or more pounds to lose? At times weight hasn't been a problem for me, but over the past months it has been.

It's so frustrating! It seems that I have to eat boring, clean foods to keep those nasty pounds off, and I'm only one birthday, one dinner out, one pizza night, one bottle of Merlot, one holiday away from gaining ten pounds quickly!

Life isn't going to change for my weight woes. I exercise six times a week doing a combo of cardio and resistance training, but diet is really eighty percent of our results.

So, my goal for the month is to clean up and get my diet in gear... and lose 1 - 2 pounds a week. I'll update you next month on how I'm doing.

What's you're goal going to be for the month?

In this Issue - What's New at Life Organize It

I've been busy re-vamping and re-working the whole site, especially these pages:

Organize Your Life

Easy Entertaining

Organized Home

These pages contain some new information and tips to help you organize yourself to boost your effectiveness in life.

I've also consolidated and re-worked the linking on these pages to make navigation easier.

I've also added an 'Ask a Question Page' here:

Organize Me Please!

Here's a couple of new questions and answers already!

How can I overcome chronic disorganization and procrastination?

I'm a single mom that works and goes to school. How can I make a routine with all the roles I juggle?

Don't be shy, Ask a Question please, and get it published on Life Organize It. You may even help answer someone else's organizing question!

This months organizing tip - since my goal this month is to clean up the diet, this month's organizing tip is how to go about dieting.

As I mentioned before, eighty percent of our results are from dieting. Armed with that knowledge, we want our dieting efforts to be as successful as possible.

Dieting is also 90% mental!

For years, I have been at a healthy weight, even after being pregnant four times, I lost the baby weight fast.

But, my life over the past six months has gotten more and more hectic and I've slacked allowing Junior Mints and Reeses Butter Cups in to help me 'cope' with all the stress. The day can be going fine, then there's a phone call from school to come get my sick kid. Then I end up spending the whole afternoon in the doctor's office, let's not even mention trying to entertain my other bored kids while waiting to see the doctor. Or, how about having to visit an emergency room on a busy Saturday afternoon after a kid breaks their arm on a new skateboard? You get the picture!

Since I was a Business Analyst in my former working life, I decided to take an analytical point of view to dieting.

In order to break the cycle of using sugar to cope with stress, I've been reading Dr. Beck's book, The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person. Her book is based on cognitive therapy, which trains us to change the way we think so that we can be successful in our weight loss efforts.

So, here's the tip for the month - don't just start a diet... only to fail miserably by the third day, use the following 'how to diet tips' for successful weight loss:

  • Research and pick a diet that works for your lifestyle - we all know there are a lot of diets out there. Do your homework and pick a diet that you know you can follow. Dr. Beck also recommends picking a back up diet in case you get bored, or you plateau with your first pick.
  • Plan and get yourself ready to diet by gathering everything you'll need such as food, measuring tools, reading materials, etc. If you're anything like me, don't over plan or you'll turn yourself off to the whole diet thing, just keep it all simple.
  • Pick a date to start and mark it on your calendar (*note, to ensure success, don't start a diet right before an event such as your birthday). It's said it takes thirty days to change a behavior, but everyone is different and some people may take three times that long! You know yourself, just be sure to be consistent with your diet for as long as it takes you to cement your new diet plan into your lifestyle.
  • Very Important - do the mental work to change your thinking and behavior, and you can't help but succeed! Yes, it does take time and hard work, but over time it does get easier.

Good luck and have a wonderful month!

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Have any comments, want to see a new topic covered, ideas you'd like to share, or feedback? Please, I'd love to hear from you! Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what's on your mind!

I'll see you soon.

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