Help, I am always washing clothes

How can I become organized when it comes to washing clothes?

I am always washing and folding. Before I can put the clothes away, I have more clothes to wash.

There are six people in my house. My husband and I are the only adults. We have four small children and we just don't know how to get the laundry under control.

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Sep 02, 2011
Comments for Endless Laundry
by: Samantha

Laundry, a necessary evil. I have four kids (three are now under five), but I like to say five kids including my husband. Two of my girls are going through the "Lets change clothes again" phase while my boy thinks that if he's worn something for five seconds it's dirty.

Now, I have a rule in my home that everyone is responsible for putting their dirty clothes in the laundry basket when they take their clothes off. So, nightly dirty clothes are put in the laundry basket and in the morning, dirty pj's are put in the laundry basket. I wash, dry, fold, and put away at least one load of clothes a day.

I do my best to limit my kids to one outfit a day (I know, hard, and or impossible with babies), but my three and four year old girls have learned that they just can't change clothes eight times a day for fun!

Towels are washed twice a week. We all have the same color towels - white. My sheets are washed once a week, kids once every two weeks to once a month, and we all have the same color of sheets - white.

Again, here's the key points:

* A load of laundry is washed, dried, folded, and put away all at once, no leaving clean clothes out.

*Kids are responsible for putting all their dirty clothes in the laundry as soon as they take them off.

*Laundry is done every day so as to not get behind.

*As my kids grow, I delegate putting their own clothes away to them. It doesn't have to be perfect, just teaches them responsibility and lightens my chore load.

*Last but not least, I try to limit clothes changes. As I mentioned before, two of my three girls absolutely LOVE to change clothes. My boy LOVES to have clean socks on no matter what - weird. Anyways, if they change and they haven't worn the clothes that long (an hour or so and not during a meal), the clothes either get folded or hung and put away. In this case, the kids are responsible for putting their own clothes away. I figure if they can get the clothes out, they can be taught to put them away.

Hope this helps!

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